Quantum effects

Changes in an algae-covered fish tank 3 days after applying quantum energy

Effect & More


The five elements are important organs that regulate metabolism and help digestion. The five elements are part of the digestive system and consist of the small intestine, stomach, pancreas, liver, gallbladder, and tonsils. During digestion, the five elements secrete digestive enzymes and digestive fluids to break down food. In addition, the five elements help digest fat by controlling the production and release of bile, and they also regulate blood sugar by secreting insulin. Therefore, the five elements play a critical role in controlling the absorption and metabolism of nutrients. However, when the five elements become confused, the autonomic nervous system is disrupted, putting each cell in danger. This breakage is caused by food, environment, and stress, but if we do not correct them, our health may deteriorate. At this time, quantum wave energy transmits healing waves to each cell area, adjusting where the balance is broken, and these waves balance the body and restoring its self-healing ability. There are areas of energy and energy that are invisible to our bodies, and even the small ones that quantum mechanics techniques involved in these areas can have a big impact. Our bodies can respond healthily if we accept the challenges of quantum waves and individual beliefs.


Are both of your legs the same length?

A person is healthy when both legs are the same length.

Do you have a long left leg?

1.Digestive (Stomach, Liver): Stomach, Liver, Colon Food Poisoning, Urticaria, Obesity 2.Urinary (beans, red beans): decreased libido, premature ejaculation, sexual aversion 3.Genital (uterus, prostate): gynecological disorders, circadian instability, impaired wits, decreased creativity, chronic fatigue, slowness and sluggishness.

Do you have long right legs?

Respiratory system (lungs): Bronchial,decreased lung function,dizziness,dermatosis.

Circulatory system: heart disease, arrhythmia, poor circulation and angina, myocardial infarction, heart failure, distraction, impatience, decreased endurance, decreased ability to memorize and analyze, high blood pressure.

I bought the AIon on June 23rd of 2023 around 4pm and put it on right away.

I've been wearing it for 4 days now (I've spent a lot of money on insomnia for over 10 years) and my blood pressure was 225/148/90 at the doctor's office because I've been sick for a long time. I was told that my medication wasn't good and I was trying to cope with it by eating alternative foods, but my blood pressure was still high. However, after wearing the necklace and stopping eating early, I was surprised when I checked my blood pressure on the 3rd day of wearing it.

I couldn't believe it. I was overwhelmed, so I checked it every day, but it kept going up and down.

I asked Chairman. James Kim, and he said it gets better with repetition.

I am looking forward to a dreamy day because I have hope when I hear that even insomnia, which is scarier than death, can be normal when the autonomic nervous system sympathetic/parasympathetic hormone balance is correct. I wear the necklace 24 hours a day and cherish it. There is a miracle that my blood pressure has dropped this much, so my disease will also get better. I am posting this because I want other people who are different from me to have a better experience and live a healthy life. I am so grateful to the people who made this product.

What customers are saying

This is Eun J,Park's experience from Korea

Story from young,Yoo

I am a 65-year-old male living in Suwon.

I've always been interested in health, so I found out about Aion, an energy necklace, while learning about Yangja. However, last May 26, I fell from a height of 2.5 meters while working and fractured my lumbar spine 3 times due to a wind that hit my hip, so I was diagnosed for 12 weeks and was treated at home, and in early June, I urgently purchased and wore an energy necklace due to body abnormalities (cramps: as if I was holding a low frequency).

I've been wearing it for 12 days now, and the spasms are gone, and my back pain has been relieved a lot. Also, I couldn't even turn my left arm behind my back due to frozen shoulder, but it turns easily, and when I look at things, I was very bothered by the mosaic-like thing around the object, but that phenomenon is gone, and an old wound on the back of my foot, which was injured 45 years ago, was very painful for about two days, but it is fine. I have been wearing it for less than two weeks now, and after experiencing various things, I am even more confident in the energy necklace and grateful for the prospect of living healthily in the future. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the chairman and all the employees of Quantum Tronics who are trying to deliver the energy necklace with concern for everyone's health.

Shining wave energy on an inflamed area can normalize its temperature. Inflammation is usually caused by problems with blood circulation around an area, and when an area is inflamed, it usually gets hotter. However, when you shine quantum wave energy on an area, the blood circulation improves and the causes of inflammation are eliminated, normalizing the temperature. This is a useful way to relieve pain and help heal inflammation, which is why shining quantum wave energy on an inflamed area is one of the most common treatments used in everyday life.

What else...

The brain is an important organ that affects our cognitive abilities and emotional regulation. When it is exposed to harmful waves, our behavior becomes erratic and we develop unhealthy habits and tendencies. However, if we have a constant supply of beneficial waves, we can maintain healthy thinking and living. We need to understand and manage our brain correctly to live a better life. Eating nutritious foods and getting enough rest and exercise can help promote brain health, and positive thoughts and habits can keep the brain active and healthy. And be sure to block out harmful environments (such as electromagnetic waves) and provide a constant supply of wavelengths that promote brain repair.

What is Aura Q

Aura Q is a device typically used for measuring and analyzing biofield energy. Its key features include:

  1. Bioelectromagnetic field measurement: Analyzes energy states by measuring the body's bioelectromagnetic field.

  2. Aura imaging: Visualizes a person's aura based on collected data.

  3. Chakra analysis: Evaluates the condition of major energy centers in the body.

  4. Stress level assessment: Measures bodily stress levels.

  5. Non-invasive method: Performs measurements without direct physical contact.

  6. Real-time results: Provides immediate feedback after measurement.

  7. Comparative analysis: Allows comparison of changes over time or before and after specific treatments.

This equipment is often used in alternative medicine, energy healing, and wellness centers. It's important to note that it's not typically recognized as an official medical device. Results should be interpreted cautiously and cannot replace professional medical diagnoses."

The amazing transformation of Five Elements energy

30 minutes after wearing the quantum necklace, the energy of a person in their 90s transformed to that of someone in their 50s

Retest 30 minutes after energy application

Confirmed increase in vitality, stability, and other factors

Pre-energy application aura test

Low vitality levels before the Aura Q test

Footboard for spine correction and leg alignment

This person injured their knee and ankle in a traffic accident, but after wearing the necklace, their leg alignment was corrected, and now they can stand upright without holding onto the wall with their hand. They've even seen corrective effects with the posture corrector."

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